Specializing in Northern California artists, exquisite workmanship and one-of-a-kind artworks. Our current show for the month of September highlights the wonderful watercolor and oil paintings by Mariko Irie.

Whales, Winds and Beautiful Storms

Normally, at this time of year, we would be celebrating the Whale Festivals, but things are different now...although Covid is keeping us close to home, there is a little light at the end of the tunnel and more folks are venturing out and getting away to beautiful Mendocino. We are seeing whales today as the storm has cleared and the sun came out amidst the fabulous clouds and the ocean settled enough to see their spouts.

Our newsletter this month features some of our favorite whale art, including Patricia Sundgren Smith's Whales in the Redwoods series, with charming grey whale families swimming through a majestic redwood forest, either in day time or under the light of the moon. These fantastical images catch the imagination and tickle us. And who doesn't need a tickle right about now? See more of our whale themed art on our home page. 

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